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The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall Watch Full Len

The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall Nick Morris 720p(hd) star Sierra Boggess



Rating=9,5 of 10
Movie Info=The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall is a movie starring Ramin Karimloo, Sierra Boggess, and Hadley Fraser. A disfigured musical genius, hidden away in the Paris Opera House, terrorizes the opera company for the
Actor=Sierra Boggess
release date=2011
Liked It=7369 Vote

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Phantom of the opera watch full length film. I just this version of Phantom of the Opera last night with one of my dearest friends and I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it! Pretty much this is the best version I have seen so far! Everyone did a fabulous job at portraying their characters especially Ramin and Sierra. Towards the end of the show, my friend and I completely lost it because of the intense emotions that the two literally put into their characters so well that their performance will tug on your heartstrings. Ramin is by far the best Phantom in my opinion. He blew me away by not just his voice but the emotions he put into his character, showing his character"s sensitive side and vulnerability with just a dose of sexuality. I do put him as my favorite above Gerard Butler"s Phantom (Gerard was very good in the 2004 movie version, but he didn"t have that intense emotion that Ramin has. Sierra was excellent and the best Christine I have seen so far (Emmy Rossum was also very good in the 2004 version, but sounded more classical than operatic to me. Towards the end, Sierra"s emotions got the best of me and I did see she fought really hard to stay in character when she sang one last time to the Phantom. I have always been not a fan of Raoul and I still am not,but the guy who played him in this version has an amazing voice and played his character well! I think he exaggerated his performance just a tiny bit, but at least he didn"t have an emotional breakdown on stage. For the lady who played Carlotta was hilarious and she is right up there next to Minnie Driver"s 2004 version. It was great having Carlotta as the snobbish but sort of comedy reliever that makes the story less intense. All in all, like I said everyone on the stage performed well into their characters and I truly want to see them perform in other Broadway roles as well. Well worth watching on Netflix and be sure to have a box of tissues near in case.

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